“The most harmful association in the world": asat-sanga and religious cheaters
– What is the most harmful association in the world?
– A dharmadhvaji is a person who has no devotion or renunciation in his heart but makes a show of it externally. He wears the clothes of a devotee to accomplish materialistic ends in a duplicitous manner.
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Pseudo-vaishnava-dharma: sahajiyas, baulas, sanis, nedas, daravesas, karttabhajas, ativadis
– Why do many people call pseudo-vaishnava-dharma pure vaishnava-dharma?
– Due to the influence of Kali many people, not understanding the principle of pure Vaishnava-Dharma, call pseudo-vaishnava-dharma pure vaishnava-dharma. (Jaiva Dharma Chapter 4)
Pseudo-vaishnava-dharma and pure Vaishnava Dharma
– What was the condition of Gaura-mandala during the time of Sri Bhaktivinoda?
– Conclusions against Vaishnava philosophy have spread everywhere. Some people promote Mayavada philosophy as Vaishnava philosophy. Some people mix impersonalism and secularism with a portion of pure religious principles and present a perverted Vaishnava religion. Those who are sober Vaishnavas remain as kanistha-adhikaris as defined in the Srimad Bhagavatam, beginning with the words arcayam eva haraye. There is a definite absence of intelligent pure Vaishnavas. The same condition that a living entity is put in if he does not have a teacher is being faced by Gaura-mandala. (Sajjana-toshani 6/2)
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Vaishnava-vamsa, Vaishnava-jati, and Vaishnava-Acharya-vamsa
– Are the following terms right and prestigious for the Vaishnava religion: Vaishnava-vamsa (Vaishnava dynasty), Vaishnava-jati (Vaishnava caste), and Vaishnava-Acharya-vamsa (dynasty of the Vaishnava Acharya)?
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Vaishnava view on begging alms
– For what purpose was the process of begging alms introduced? What is the present condition of this process?
Hearing kirtana from professional singers and illicit association with women
– Do pure Vaishnavas approve of hearing hari-kirtana from the mouths of professional singers?
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Sri Bhaktivinoda Thakura about Mayavada (32 answers)
Below find the following 32 question replied:
1. Who are the Mayavadis?
2. Is impersonalism the conclusive opinion of the Vedas? Where was impersonalism born?
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Is the blasphemy of Sanatana-Dharma by the Christians reasonable?
– Is the blasphemy of Sanatana-Dharma by the Christians reasonable?
– One who is at heart a follower of Mohammed will certainly find the doctrines of the New Testament to be a forgery created by a fallen angel. A Trinitarian Christian on the other hand will denounce the precepts of Mohammed as those of an ambitious reformer. The simple reason they criticize each other is that they are of a different disposition of mind. Thoughts have different ways.
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Can so-called panditas understand bhakti by their knowledge and intelligence?
– Can so-called panditas understand bhakti by their knowledge and intelligence?
– We meet many so-called panditas who think that they have understood bhakti by their knowledge and intelligence. Some conclude that devotional service mixed with jnana is pure bhakti, and others conclude that devotional service mixed with karma is pure bhakti.
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Vaishnava view on Buddhism, Jainism, and Tantric philosophy
– Why did Buddhism and Jainism appear in the world?
– By composing selfish religious literature, the so-called Brahmanas began to cheat people. Being unable to fight, so-called kshatriyas lost their kingdoms and eventually began to preach Buddhist philosophy. The so-called vaishyas began to preach philosophies like Jainism. As a result, India lost a great deal of business. The so-called sudras, being unable to engage in their natural service activities became plunderers. The study of Vedic literature gradually diminished. Taking advantage of the situation, the kings of the mleccha countries attacked and conquered India. (Caitanya-siksamrta 2/3)
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Vaishnava view on philosophy and morality without faith in God
– Which well-known foreigners followed the 6 Indian philosophies?
– There is no doubt that philosophical literature originated in India. Although there are many kinds of philosophies, they are grossly divided into 6 categories. These 6 categories of philosophy are known in India as sad-darshana. These 6 philosophies are also widely respected in Greece. Through intensive research, Garbe, who was a professor in Greece, has ascertained that Aristotle was the disciple of Gautama’s philosophy of Nyaya, Thelis was the disciple of Kanada’s philosophy of Vaisesika, Sacretis was the disciple of Jaimini’s Mimamsa, Pluto was the disciple of Vyasadeva’s Vedanta, Pythagoras was the disciple of Kapila’s Sankhya, and Zino was the disciple of Patanjali’s yoga. (Sajjana-toshani 111)
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