Govinda-bhasya – a commentary on Brahma-sutra (Vedanta-Sutra)

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1. Adhyaya 1
2. Adhyaya 2
– How did the commentaries on Vedanta-sutra develop and who discovered the science of madhurya-rasa?
– After collecting Baudhayana’s commentary on the Vedanta-sutra, Sri Ramanuja, who was an incarnation of Sankarsana, wrote his own commentary on Vedanta-sutra known as Sri-bhasya.
The science of madhurya-rasa was not revealed in that commentary, and therefore Srimad Govindadeva ordered Sri Baladeva Vidyabhusana to reveal that science for the inquisitive devotees.
At a place near Jaipur, Baladeva Vidyabhusana, a surrendered devotee of Sri Caitanyadeva, engaged in studying Vedic literature and wrote a commentary on the Brahma-sutra known as Govinda-bhasya. […]
Many people think “I am a Vaishnava,” but one should study Sri Govinda-bhasya to know exactly what one must do and understand to become a Vaishnava. For the Vaishnavas, this Govinda-bhasya is invaluable treasure. (Sajjana-toshani 8/1)
Another revelation, Bhakti is Very Intense Ananda or Transcendental Pleasure. Check out the previous page too: What philosophical conclusions have Acharyas preached based on Brahma-sutra?. You will benefit from reading the whole work: Books (Free!).And now listen to this sound >>
Harih Om Tat Sat.
Natural Brotherhood (Bhaktivinoda Thakura):

"Gradually, when the offensive portions of the established religions are destroyed, there will be no more differences in the bhajana performed by the various Sampradayas nor any quarrel between them.
Then as brothers, the people of all castes and countries will spontaneously chant the Holy Names of the Supreme Lord together.
At that time, no one will hate anyone or consider others dogeaters; nor will anyone be overwhelmed by the pride of high birth.
The living entities will not forget the principle of natural brotherhood."