What is the evidence that the philosophy of Vaishnava-Dharma is eternal?
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– What is the evidence that the philosophy of Vaishnava-Dharma is eternal?
– The constitutional duties of the Vaishnavas existed from the time of creation of the living entities. Lord Brahma was the first Vaishnava. Sri Mahadeva is also a Vaishnava. The original prajapatis, or progenitors, are all Vaishnavas. Sri Narada Goswami, who was born from the mind of Brahma, is also a Vaishnava.
The names of those who are especially renowned have been mentioned in history. Actually, we can not estimate how many hundreds of more Vaishnavas there were during the time of Prahlada and Dhruva.
Later, the kings from the sun and moon dynasties, and many great sages and ascetics became devotees of Lord Vishnu.
In the age of Kali, these things are mentioned about Satya-yuga, Treta-yuga, and Dvapara-yuga.
Sri Ramanuja, Sri Madhvacharya, Sri Vishnuswami, and Sri Nimbaditya Swami of South India brought many thousands of people to pure Vaishnava-Dharma. (Jaiva Dharma Chapter 10)
– What is the history of the fully-blossomed Vaishnava religion?
– The Vaishnava religion is just like a lotus flower. It gradually blossomed with the help of time.
At first, it was in the form of a bud; later, it blossomed a little, and ultimately, it became a fully-blossomed flower.
At the time of Brahma, this Vaishnava religion, which consists of knowledge of the Absolute Truth, devotional service to the Lord, sadhana, and love of God, manifested in the hearts of the living entities in the form of seeds.
During the period of Prahlada, these seeds appeared as buds.
Gradually during the time of Badarayana Rsi [Vyasadeva], these buds began to blossom and during the time of the Acharyas of Vaishnava religion, they became flowers.
When Sriman Mahaprabhu appeared, these flowers of love of God became fully blossomed and began to spread wonderful fragrance to the people of the world.
Sriman Mahaprabhu has revealed to the people that chanting the Holy Names of the Lord with love is the most confidential goal of Vaishnava religion. (Jaiva Dharma Chapter 10)
– How were the authorized sampradayas established?
– The flower of devotion in the hearts of the devotees became unsteady as it floated in the current of Sankaracharya’s arguments.
Based on the strength of Sankaracharya’s philosophy, Ramanujacharya, by the mercy of the Lord, wrote a commentary on Vedanta that differed from Sariraka-bhasya. Thus, the strength and prosperity of Vaishnava-Dharma again increased.
Within a short time, Vishnuswami, Nimbarka, and Madhvacharya all introduced slight variations of the Vaishnava principles by presenting their own commentaries on Vedanta. They followed in the footsteps of Sankaracharya; they all wrote commentaries on the Bhagavad-gita, Vishnu-sahasra-nama, and the Upanisads.
At that time, people thought that in order to establish a sampradaya, one must have commentaries on the 4 above-mentioned works.
From these four Vaishnavas, the 4 Vaishnava sampradayas, such as the Sri-sampradaya, were introduced. (Sri Krsna-samhita Introduction)
– Where does spiritual science reach its peak?
– By studying the history of the world, it is found that spiritual science reached its peak in Navadvipa.
The Supreme Absolute Truth is the only object of love for the living entities. Unless one worships Him with attachment, the living entity can never attain Him.
Even if a person gives up all affection for this world and thinks of the Supreme Lord, still the Lord is not easily achieved. (Sri Krsna-samhita Introduction)
Another revelation, Sampradaya: Spiritual Science Attained Maturity in Navadvipa. Check out the previous page too: When did the philosophy of opposing the system of sampradaya start?. You will benefit from reading the whole work: Sampradaya.And now listen to this sound >>
Harih Om Tat Sat.
Natural Brotherhood (Bhaktivinoda Thakura):
"Gradually, when the offensive portions of the established religions are destroyed, there will be no more differences in the bhajana performed by the various Sampradayas nor any quarrel between them.
Then as brothers, the people of all castes and countries will spontaneously chant the Holy Names of the Supreme Lord together.
At that time, no one will hate anyone or consider others dogeaters; nor will anyone be overwhelmed by the pride of high birth.
The living entities will not forget the principle of natural brotherhood."